Solatube Lighting Systems
Solatube tubular daylighting devices, or TDDs for short, are affordable, high-performance lighting solutions that bring daylight into interior spaces where traditional skylights and windows simply can’t reach. Sometimes called “tubular skylights,” “light tubes,” “sun pipes,” and even “light tunnels,” TDDs have become the ideal solution for lighting interiors in a cost-effective, energy-efficient and eco-friendly way because they significantly reduce the need for electricity while keeping people connected to the outdoor environment.
Available as Daylighting Systems, Smart LED, and Solar Star Attic Fans, Solatube products unite the sun with advanced engineering to bring beauty and comfort to your home. Our revolutionary daylighting and Smart LED systems utilize patented optical technologies to brighten interiors with natural light while our energy-efficient attic ventilation systems make your living space more comfortable. And that makes your home a better place to live.
Available in Skyvault Series, Solatmaster Series, and Brighten Up Series, Solatube Daylighting Systems use a proprietary capture-transfer-delivery process to deliver natural light to places that were once thought impossible. Solatube products combine patented technologies with progressive engineering for daylighting that delivers a superior blend of illumination intensity, thermal performance and light consistency. Our systems are easy to install, often requiring no structural changes, and are virtually maintenance-free. The fact that they are also energy-efficient, eco-friendly and affordable makes them the ideal choice for any commercial application.
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